Free Weight Loss Mini-Course! 👇

Weight Loss Kickstart For Physicians

With Dr. Siobhan Key, MD

Lose The First Pounds... In a Way that Actually Lasts.

The personalized approach to weight loss that’s easy to start, lasts and fits into your busy physician life without feeling like you are on a diet.

Start the Course Now!

This personalized plan for physicians:

  • Is simple to start and maintain
  • Takes out the overwhelm of trying to lose weight
  • Fits into a busy physician’s life
  • Teaches you the common mistakes surrounding diets and weight loss plans and how to avoid them

With this FREE program, you can:

  • Create a customized weight loss plan that actually works (without always feeling like you are on a diet)
  • Lose your first few pounds
  • Build momentum as you move towards your goals
Start the Course Now!

Many physicians quietly struggle with weight loss.  Medical school didn’t teach us the right tools to help ourselves or our patients.  It’s hard to keep putting effort into something that just doesn’t work.

I get it. . .and I’ve been there.

It was not too long ago where I remember feeling totally defeated…like there was something wrong with ME...and frustrated because I was trying hard to figure out my weight but just wasn't seeing the results I wanted.

There was nothing wrong with me back then, and there is nothing wrong with you now.  

That way doesn’t work.

There is an effective and simpler way to reach your weight loss goals. One that fits with a busy physician’s life. . .this course walks you through it.

Start the Course Now!

Inside this FREE Mini-Course, you will:


  • Get started losing your first few pounds with a personalized approach
  • Eat food you enjoy AND lose weight
  • Learn how to lose weight without starting another diet or counting calories
  • Feel in control of what you eat AND why you eat it
  • Reduce or eliminate stress or binge eating
  • Find hope in your weight loss journey ... this time will be different
  • Create a personalized approach that is easy to start, stress free and sustainable
  • Enjoy a new relationship with food and ease with managing food cravings

You could keep trying new diets... But you've done that.

What actually works (and lasts) is a customized and comprehensive approach to weight loss.

I teach you this approach inside the FREE Weight Loss Kickstart Course.

Join now to start a new, sustainable weight loss journey.

Start the Course Now!

What’s Inside The FREE Mini-Course?

Time is our biggest challenge as a physician. You don’t have time to learn all factors that contribute to lasting weight loss.  That's why I am here.

This course is designed to make great use of your time.  It shares wisdom from years of coaching, practicing obesity medicine, and learning from my personal experience.  It’s on-demand and self-paced, providing you effective content in an efficient way.  

The FREE Online Weight Loss Kickstart Course Includes:

6 Video Lessons

Short video lessons take you through the Kickstart process efficiently.

  • Introduction
  • Weight Loss is not about the Food
  • What to Eat
  • How to Start
  • Measuring Progress
  • Next Steps

Customized Workbook

A custom workbook to help you apply everything so that you see results faster.

  • Identify your individual challenges as a busy mom physician
  • Create doable action plans that work
  • Learn how to make changes so that you get the results you want
  • Celebrate your wins each week! 

I created this mini course because I know what it’s like to stare into the face of a weight loss goal and not even know where to start...

Join the course and create your personalized plan to say goodbye to:

  • Endless Diets
  • Counting Calories or Macros
  • Always Feeling Restricted

This approach is works and will fit into your busy schedule.

Get started today - You really can be successful.

Start the Course Now!

“I definitely recommend it for any physician colleague who feels out of control with their eating and wants to try something different.” ~ Dr. D

Hi, I'm Dr. Siobhan Key.

When I was trying to lose weight, I could not figure out WHY I was eating the way I was... and WHY I craved the food I was craving.

The struggles and the stress eating as a busy physician was taking over my life.  I couldn’t find the help that I needed or a coach that KNEW what it was like to be a physician.

I figured out how to lose 55 pounds and keep it off. . .and that’s how Weight Solutions for Physicians was formed.  I’m passionate about helping physicians who struggle with stress or binge eating become confident and in control around food.  That’s what creates more time and energy to live a life you love.

This Kickstart Program is designed for you, a busy physician because I know what it’s like to be in your shoes. 

This is what I wish I had when I was struggling... and now it is my FREE gift to you.

Start the Course Now!