Stress Eating SOS is Open for Enrolment for a Limited Time










Stress Eating SOS Will Teach You How To...

Lose Weight for Good.

Find Peace with Food

Love Your Life.

The 90 day program Exclusively for Physicians that will help you develop a customized weight loss approach so you can reach your goals faster... Even while being on call, getting through days packed with patients and juggling life at home (and everything else you do!)



Losing weight permanently requires a personalized plan that creates understanding of why you eat, what you eat, and when you eat. 

That's when you can take control and make empowered decisions that help you reach any goal.

You deserve to be empowered in your weight loss.  Join Today.


"For the first time ever as a child or an adult I am confident I will reach my normal BMI and I am not afraid to acknowledge my emotions - life changing!"  

-Dr. E. Family Physician

I'm a Doctor...

Shouldn't I Be Able to Do This On My Own??


What we were taught in medical school on nutrition and weight loss is outdated and ineffective.

Real sustainable weight loss comes through understanding your body, evaluating your environment for triggers to eat or stray from your plan, and managing your mind.  This is exactly what we do inside Stress Eating SOS.

What Most Physicians Think Weight Loss Looks Like...

  • Cutting portion sizes and white-knuckling hunger and cravings
  • Spending a lot of time planning meals and counting calories
  • Exercising more
  • Cooking a meal for the family and a separate one for themselves
  • Restricting favorite foods
  • Eating perfectly - perfect time, perfect amount, perfectly saying no to anything not on the diet
  • And they worry they are going to put all off this effort only to inevitably regain the weight and end up exactly where they started.

Stress Eating SOS Immerses You in a Better Way...

  • Create your customized plan that includes food you enjoy
  • Develop simple solutions for hunger, cravings, stress, dealing with long shifts and sleep deprivation
  • Exercise for your health and because it makes your days better, not to lose weight
  • Giving yourself what you really need at the end of a busy day
  • Staying consistent, not perfect, with the goal
  • Understand your body, old habits, and how to get back on track no matter how long it's been

Ever Been Here?

  • You suddenly find yourself hitting the drive-through and ordering #allthethings after a packed day of seeing patients.. despite promising yourself that today would be different...
  • You hurry the kids into bed so you can raid the candy cupboard... and then it feels SO HARD to stop...
  • You carry a secret shame of being a doctor who hasn't "fixed" your eating yet and worry patients and other physicians are judging you for your weight....
  • You mind is constantly judging you for your weight, your eating or your body... even in the midst of a clinical day, it feels like there is no rest...
  • You know that you "should" be able to eat healthy -- after all, you talk to patients about this all day, right? -- and yet you just can't do it on a regular basis...
  • You are so sick of always being on diet, counting macros, saying "no" to food you really want... and not seeing results for your efforts...

Losing weight as a Physician is hard!  Especially when you can't figure out why the junk food feels soooo irresistible after a long shift.


Your issue is not lack of knowledge - you have tons of understanding about how the body works and healthy eating.

What you need to know is how to eat well when you are tired, feeling burnt out or just don't feel like there is any extra time in your day for you.  

Because it is consistency on those days that will actually get you to your goals.

We weren't taught these skills in Med School. were taught a lot of things as a doctor that set you up to overeat and gain weight.

Inside Stress Eating SOS, I teach the skills you need to have freedom around food and lose weight for the last time.

When you have the right tools, weight loss is pretty simple.  

It hasn't felt simple for you (yet) because you have been taught that working harder = more success. Lasting weight loss doesn't work that way - it isn't sustainable with our hectic lives.

In Stress Eating SOS, I will teach you a simpler way - one that takes less hustle and fits into your busy schedule.  

An approach that is sustainable

So you can finally lose the weight you want with confidence that it isn't coming back.


You don't have to feel alone or out of control when it comes to eating. 

I'm Dr. Siobhan Key, MD and I've helped hundreds of physicians find peace with food and lose weight in a sustainable way. 

In the Stress Eating SOS program you will:

  • Be part of an amazing community of women physicians working on similar challenges. You don't have to do this alone anymore
  • Learn how to design a custom approach to eating that works in your life and for your body (and that you enjoy!)
  • Not be bothered by even the most tempting foods (that's right... no "just try not to eat"  I'll teach you tools to not even be bothered when your partner eats chips beside you) so you can lose the weight you want.. and have a new-found confidence that it is gone for good.
  • Learn how to stop eating after you start so you are never at the mercy of your food cravings
  • Fuel your body in a way that feels amazing... because you deserve to feel amazing every day

"I was feeling stuck. I knew I wanted to lose weight, but I kept falling back into my old habits. I also was letting my thoughts get me down - and letting stress and feeling overwhelmed lead to eating foods that were not on my eating plan. I was able to lose a little weight, and then I got stuck.

I feel better. I am able to recognize some of my old thought patterns and try not to let myself get trapped there again. I am also more positive with myself and feel more hopeful. It is helpful to see other people dealing with the same thing. I think it is helpful to find community and support - and to find that these feelings and issues are common and normal." 

~Dr. C, Pediatrician

Find Food Freedom with the Support You Deserve


It's Time for Permanent Results. Join Now.

Registration closes on April 24th at midnight.  










Stress Eating SOS Runs April 25th to July 17th, 2022

Your registration gives back.  5% of every registration will be donated to humanitarian efforts in the Ukraine.

“Before starting coaching, losing weight seemed like it would never happen.  I felt I would just have to settle with my current weight or that I would keep gaining weight.  I wasn’t consistent with any of my eating habits and used food as a reward.

I’ve learned how to change my mindset around food and manage cravings. Late night eating has also improved dramatically. I have lost weight and despite not being "perfect", haven't gained it all back like I would usually do. I realized that I can still enjoy foods that I plan without the guilt.”

~ Dr. M. Family Physician

Key Components of the Stress Eating SOS Program:


1: Live Group Coaching

The most powerful way to learn the new mindset skills that will get you to your weight loss goals is with group coaching.  

Plenty of live coaching sessions are included so you have lots of opportunity to get direct help with any challenges you face.

This is not just some other diet.  Get your specific questions answered and apply the weekly content to your life. Find subtle shifts that make massive changes in your life through coaching. Develop the customised approach that will get you to your goals with expert support. Learn exponentially from watching physician peers be coached.

Coaching calls are scheduled throughout the week to accommodate for members schedules and time zones. Group calls occur every week during this 3 month program. You will have access to attend the coaching calls live for the 3 months of the program.

These coaching calls cover all of the unique stresses that we experience as physicians plus specifics about eating and weight loss.

Not able to make all the calls? No worries! All calls will be recorded and replays will be available in your secure course portal and in the private members podcast. It is easy to listen on the go. Access to the replays is available for duration of the program and all course content is downloadable! 

2: Stress Eating SOS Library

I designed the Stress Eating SOS Library because I want you to have resources for anything that comes up at your fingertips and on demand.

A library of videos and other resources are waiting for you. Learn practical tools that will help you transform your relationship with food and reach your weight loss goals. 

The tools in the library will help you understand your eating on a deeper level and create your personalized, comprehensive approach.  Stop stress or binge eating and lose weight in a simple and sustainable way.

The tools taught are designed for a busy physician's life and will create lasting changes in your eating and weight.  

All members of Stress Eating SOS have lifetime access to the Stress Eating SOS Library, which are also downloadable.

3: Results Acceleration Worksheets

Go deeper and see faster results with the weekly worksheets.

These optional worksheets are  are powerful tools to accelerate your results. They allow you to dig deep into the weekly topics to make it easy to change your stress eating habits.

Do them all or only do the ones that will help you the most. There is no right way to use these. 

4: Guided Meditations

Always a member favourite, these meditations are like having me walk beside you through some of the most challenging weight loss situations.  Imagine the power of this support to help you... 

  • Experience cravings without eating,
  • Step on the scale without letting the number ruin your whole day
  • Build powerful new beliefs that propell you towards your goals
  • Take efficient mini-breaks during your day so you finish the day with energy to spare

5: CME Credits

Earn AMA category 1 CME credits on every module and coaching call. Simply fill out a reflective exercise using the supplied links and earn and track your CME within CMEfy.

6: And a Whole Lot of Bonuses!!

These key components are exactly what you need to to lose weight for the last time.  But I've also added in extra bonuses - each crafted to help make every day better while you lose weight.  Keep scrolling to learn more...


Stress Eating SOS Designed for You.. a Busy Physician

You can access the program on any device using your web browser or your mobile device with the Kajabi app.

Get immediate access to the members portal as soon as you register.  Watch the content all at once or go through it week by week, it is all there for you.

All coaching calls are recorded and available in the course portal AND on a private podcast so that it is simple to access all of the resources (even on your busy weeks!)

Transform Your Weight Loss Journey with These Modules:

These core topics are covered in detail in the course materials.  We dive into each of these topics and SO much more during the live coaching calls.

AMA Category 1 CME Credits are available for each of these modules AND every coaching call.

Stress Eating SOS is the Path to Reach Your Weight Loss Goals

Two Investment Options to Choose From

Join Stress Eating SOS for an amazing physician group coaching experience.  Learn to find peace around food, reach your weight loss goals and create a life you love.

Save with a one time investment or split your investment into 3 monthly payments. 

Choose a Monthly Payment Plan


3 monthly payments

  • 3 months of live group coaching calls
  • Live workshops on the most important topics
  • Access to coaching call replays
  • A library of videos and tools to help you design your customized approach
  • Optional weekly worksheets
  • Private, supportive community on Facebook (for program members only)
  • Earn CME Credits while you learn
  • Backed by our 60 Day Risk-Free Promise

Choose a One Time Investment


Save $150 When You Pay in Full

  • 3 months of live group coaching calls
  • Live workshops on the most important topics
  • Access to coaching call replays
  • A library of videos and tools to help you design your customized approach
  • Optional weekly worksheets
  • Private, supportive community on Facebook (for program members only)
  • Earn CME Credits while you learn
  • Backed by our 60 Day Risk-Free Promise

Stress Eating SOS Runs April 25th to July 17th, 2022

Get EVEN MORE time by joining today. You get instant access to everything and can start today!

Plus! Your registration helps others.  5% of all registrations will be donated to humanitarian efforts in the Ukraine.

Earn CME Credits while Losing Weight

Through a partnership with CMEfy, we are pleased to offer AMA Category 1 CME credits on all modules and coaching calls within Stress Eating SOS.  Simply complete short reflective exercises to earn credits.

Your Investment is Fully Backed with Our 60-Day Risk-Free Promise!

I am confident that Stress Eating SOS will change your approach to weight loss and eating.  However, I also know that making an investment in yourself like this can be scary. That's why I am offering a 60 Day Risk-Free Promise.  If you show up and do the work, and you don't feel that this is the right approach for you, simply email me within 60 days of the program starting and I will refund 100% of your registration fees.  

Now is the Perfect Time to Invest In Yourself and Your Health


Let's face it, these past 2 years have been tough.  We have faced unprecedented stresses as physicians.  And there is a good chance your needs had to take a back seat during some (or all) of the pandemic.

So it's no surprise that many physicians have gained weight or feel more out of control around food than ever. 

That's ok.  It isn't your fault.  And you don't have to keep feeling this way.

Investing in yourself will give you and the people you care about dividends in return.

Less stress, less burnout, more life satisfaction.  These are all evidence based results with life coaching programs for physicians.

And when you choose Stress Eating SOS, you get all this PLUS you lose weight while creating ease and enjoyment in the process. (Yes, it is very possible to feel ease in your weight loss... when you have the right tools 😀)

So you can stop obsessing about food and spend your time on things you want.

There really is no better time to join Stress Eating SOS.

"Stress Eating SOS helped so much - about food and weight, and everything in my life (relationships, imposter syndrome, self-esteem).  It has been a life-changing journey for me.”

 ~ Dr. K, Family Physician

Hi, I'm Dr. Siobhan Key


Course Creator, Certified Coach, Obesity Medicine and Family Physician


The struggles of stress eating while living a busy physician life are well known to me.  After years of feeling frustrated by my eating habits, I was able to lose 55 pounds and continue to maintain this loss. Unable to find help when I needed it, it is important to me that other physicians don't have to do this alone. I can help and it is simpler than you think.

I am a Certified Life & Weight Loss Coach, an expert in emotional and binge eating and a practicing Obesity Medicine Physician. As the host of the  internationally renowned Weight Solutions for Physicians Podcast, I help physicians across the globe manage stress and lose weight.

I am passionate about helping physicians who struggle with stress or binge eating.  I help my clients go from feeling overwhelmed and ashamed of their eating to being confident in their ability to lose weight and find peace from the constant brain chatter around food.


And You Also Get These Bonuses!

I don't know about you, but I love a good bonus!  As my gift to you, when you join Stress Eating SOS, you'll get all of these amazing bonuses.  Each bonus is designed to help you reach your goals faster and get the support you need to find freedom around food.

Bonus #1
Expert Guest Coaching Calls

Learn from the best Physician Coaches around on topics that impact your weight loss (and life satisfaction).  This is a powerhouse of physician coaches you can't find anywhere else. One of these bonus sessions could change your life (for real).

Would these be helpful for you? Topics include: Getting Your Charting done, Improving Your Relationships, Managing Burnout, Positive Parenting skills and Improving Sexual Intimacy.

$1000 Value (and their impact on your life will be priceless--honestly)

Bonus #2 
Private Physician Community

Get support when you need it between coaching calls. Join a supportive community of your peers in a private Facebook group for members of this program. I'll be available in the group to help guide you through the week and answer questions. Stress Eating SOS includes access for the duration of the program.

$250 Value (but no longer feeling like you are the only physician who overeats? Invaluable

Bonus #3 
Binge Eating Course

Access everything you wanted to know about managing binge eating in this bonus course.  Including how to stop a binge eating episode in process and what to do after a binge eating episode so you can get back on track as quickly as possible.

This course is helpful if you struggle with Binge Eating but everything is applicable overeating as well.

$1000 Value (and the relief of feeling in control of Binge Eating is immeasurable)


That's a total of $2250 worth of Bonuses!


There is no better time to join Stress Eating SOS.


"Before the program, I was completely out of control binging every night and feeling guilty about eating and my weight.  The videos and weekly sessions kept me on track and gave me a sense of accountability.  I’ve stopped binge eating like before and am able to walk away from trigger foods.  If I’ve allowed a trigger food, I’ve been able to moderate it.  I also lost 5 lbs and feel a lot better"

~ Dr. K, Pediatrician

Here are some commonly asked questions about Stress Eating SOS

Have more questions? Send an email to [email protected] and we would be happy to help.

Stress Eating SOS is the Path to Reach Your Weight Loss Goals

Two Investment Options to Choose From

Join Stress Eating SOS for an amazing physician group coaching experience.  Learn to find peace around food, reach your weight loss goals and create a life you love.

Save with a one time investment or split your investment into 3 monthly payments. 

Choose a Monthly Payment Plan


3 monthly payments

  • 3 months of live group coaching calls
  • Live workshops on the most important topics
  • Access to coaching call replays
  • A library of videos and tools to help you design your customized approach
  • Optional weekly worksheets
  • Private, supportive community on Facebook (for program members only)
  • Earn CME Credits while you learn
  • Backed by our 60 Day Risk-Free Promise

Choose a One Time Investment


Save $150 When You Pay in Full

  • 3 months of live group coaching calls
  • Live workshops on the most important topics
  • Access to coaching call replays
  • A library of videos and tools to help you design your customized approach
  • Optional weekly worksheets
  • Private, supportive community on Facebook (for program members only)
  • Earn CME Credits while you learn
  • Backed by our 60 Day Risk-Free Promise

Stress Eating SOS Runs April 25th to July 17th, 2022

(Get EVEN MORE time by joining today. You get instant access to everything and can start today!)

Plus! Your registration helps others.  5% of all registrations will be donated to humanitarian efforts in the Ukraine.

Your Investment is Fully Backed with Our 60-Day Risk-Free Promise!

I am confident that Stress Eating SOS will change your approach to weight loss and eating.  However, I also know that making an investment in yourself like this can be scary. That's why I am offering a 60 Day Risk-Free Promise.  If you show up and do the work, and you don't feel that this is the right approach for you, simply email me within 60 days of the program starting and I will refund 100% of your registration fees.  

A Special Message From Siobhan

If you are still reading this, this video message is for you! 


"I contemplated joining Stress Eating SOS for months before taking a leap of faith. I loved Siobhan’s podcast but I thought I was a lost cause and that I would overeat all my life. I also worried about the financial aspect of the program and about what the other members would think of me. 

I can say now that it has been the best financial investment of my life. It freed me from my obsession with food. It helped me get out of the restriction-overeating circle in which I had been most of my life...I now have the tools to lose weight permanently and I believe that I can succeed this time. The coaching calls also made me realize that we are many physicians who struggle about food. Hearing them get coached on the same issues I was going through definitely helped. 

The best part of this program is not even the weight loss. Every aspect of my life got better with the thought work: financial, medicine, relationships with others but mainly with myself. "

~ Dr. EK, Family Physician

Find Food Freedom with the Support You Deserve


It's Time for Permanent Results. Join Now.

Registration closes on April 24th at midnight.  










Stress Eating SOS Runs April 25th to July 17th, 2022

Your registration gives back.  5% of every registration will be donated to humanitarian efforts in the Ukraine.